GANY New York Glaucoma Research Institute


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Glaucoma Links

Glaucoma Video Atlas

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Current Studies

African Americans with Glaucoma, Strucure and Function Study - AAG (awaiting text)

Ocular Hypertension Study - OHTS (awaiting text)

The International Collaborative Exfoliation Syndrome Treatment Study - ICEST

Memantine Study

CD-44 Receptor in Aqueous humor in Glaucoma

Dynamic Mechanical Interaction between Aqueous Humor and Iris

Ultrasound Biomicroscopic Evaluation of Patients with Asymmetric Angles

Evaluating the zonules of patients with unilateral exfoliation syndrome (XFS), XFS before cataract surgery, and patients with poor pupil dilation using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM)

Glaucomatous damage in patients performing yoga in the inverted position

New York Glaucoma
Research Institute

310 East 14th St.
New York, NY 10003
(212) 477-7540


© NY Glaucoma Research Institute
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